Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Update! :)

OI! Sorry I haven't posted anything lately... life has been non-stop! Anywho, things are coming together for Africa.. I just cannot wait! God is SO good! I have raised about half of my intended goal, so we're getting there! :) I could not do it without all the love, support and prayers from everyone!

Lets see... I'm mailing out my stuff for my visa tomorrow! I have gotten an international driving permit. I have been studying French as much as I can! :) (I really love it and would like to actually take a French class in the future.) My tickets and insurance are all purchased and ready to go... basically I'm ready to go! May 17th could not get here any sooner. I have never missed a place or the people in that place more than I miss Niger. It is just '"home" to me and not being there to see such sweet, sweet Nigerian (sp?) faces is such a bummer!

Okay, okay... there is something I just HAVE to share. About a month or so ago I was brainstorming on ideas for younger (like pre-teens and teens.. plus whoever else) people to help with. I know being young, seeing as I am young, is hard to really understand what to do and how to help out in places of such poverty... other than just jumping on a plane and taking off, since not everyone can or is called to do such a thing. SO, I came up with an Idea... and am just now, as I'm typing this, coming up with a name for this "project". We shall call it the... "One skirt, one life" project. Seriously an impromptu name just came about since I didn't think of one before... haha! So here's the deal...
I wanted a way for people to be able to be involved in my ministry in Niger this summer. And seeing as I have been there once, I wanted a very practical, but impacting way to do this. I also wanted people to see their donation at work and who it is impacting. My practical ideal was.. skirts. Here's how it works...
For $20 a person can "purchase" a skirt for a young girl in Niger. A portion of this donation goes to help get me to Niger while the main purpose of this donation is to clothe a child. Basically what happens is I collect every $20 dollars donated and take it over with me. Then, in Niger, I will have the skirts made for young girls. I have already had about 10 orders! Thanks Jesus :)
I have to be honest... this idea has taken off! I don't have a picture to put on here, but I have made postcards which explain the purpose of this "one skirt, one life" project and I encourage anyone who donates to write a note to a young girl because they will LOVE it! They love knowing they are loved and I will love reading the sweet, sweet notes to them :) It will be a huge ministry opportunity for me! I cannot wait! Also, I will be taking pictures of each girl that recieves these gifts and posting them on here... or possibly a future blog for this particular project :) But, i'll letcha know.

That's all the news for now I suppose! :) oop... OI... I almost forgot.. I got to see my mom 1.5 this week (aka. Shelley.. or my mom in Africa. Whichever she is referred to as) It was a sweet visit! :) So excited to see all the family in less than 2 months! God is so, so awesome! :)