Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Dear Africa.

Well, I have been away from my American-ized life for 5 days now. Aside from sweating to death, being sick for 2 days, and sweating more... things have been amazing! There is so much to cover about the last few days... hmm, I'll try my best!

This one may be my favorite so far because it's been the most adventurous-- TAXIS! Niger taxis to be precise. They are far from a taxi you may find in the states, I guess that's expected, but they have made for many fun-filled mornings! Like today, riding in a taxi... basically all I can do is greet people and tell them where I want to go, because I am lacking in my foreign language knowledge! Anyways, I had some interesting drivers today, like one guy who spoke a little bit of english--- you better believe I talked his ear off as much as I could (as much as he could understand) in the time we were driving since I don't usually get to talk to my taxi drivers! :) Then one guy who was listening to some very crude American music. And yet another guy who kept calling me "white person" (in some language I'm not sure of) and asking me questions that I couldn't answer! Pretty much anything goes for taxis---including chickens, goats, raw meat, whatever wants a ride can have a ride I suppose! Thankfully I haven't gotten any of these lovely creatures next to me yet :)

I have been going to CURE hospital in the mornings as well (which is the reason I have to take taxis). I absolutely love it! Seeing as I'd like to be a nurse, having hands on experience and having an opportunity to be part of CURE is amazing. I have been so blessed by such sweet people there... the kids especially. Their spirits, though they are hurting physically, are bright and bubbly! The past couple days I have been working with kids who have club foot--There is a physical therapist there who I have had the pleasure of assisting. God is really at work in the place! There is an amazing staff who genuinely love the Lord and love what they do which results in a beautiful outcome for the patients and their stay at CURE.

--- Okay, so maybe I'm not going to cover as much as I wanted tonight--- It's only 10 but I am SO tired and going to bed pretty soon. I feel very blessed that God has given me the opportunity to serve Him here again! I love these people and this place and would't trade it for anything :) I am also honored to be staying with the Riggs. Though they may not realize it, they are constantly teaching me something. Whether it's learning how to live like and love Christ more each day to gaining knowledgle on some serious parenting skills (which I have come to the conclusion that I could not be a mother anytime soon in my life. ha! :) ), or learning how to start a generator at 630 in the morning--- on the third attempt (compliments to my lame self for that :) oops..) I am just SO thankful for them and the blessing they are in my life! :)

Anywho... that's all the news for now I guess... to bed I go :)

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