Sunday, May 15, 2011

Love and Grace.

This past week has be an absolute mess. You know when you're getting ready to do something and then everything goes wrong? Well, that has been my life since Monday. This whole preparation for Niger had been going surprisingly easy up until this week... A week before I leave, of course. I'll just give a brief synopsis of my hectic week... note that God was gracious through every trial. :)

Monday: I was an hour late to my 8am final--- the result of pulling an all-nighter. But was blessed with a gracious professor who allowed me to go ahead and take my final-- Thanks God.

Tuesday: Found a lovely scrap, dent, ding... etc on the front of my car from someone backing into it. It's times like this where I am grateful for an older car that is paid off :)

Wednesday: nothing happened really... I guess satan gave me a day off from completely annoying me. ha!

Thursday: I was happily informed, via my online flight itinerary, that my flight had been cancelled and moved forward a whole day and a half. God so awesomely provided though--- after i was done freaking out :) May not be the most enjoyable travel but I'll get there.. and I'm sure God will give me some great ministry opportunities :)

Friday: Walked outside after leaving the mall to find my side-view mirror dangling on the side of the car... it's still hanging out there too! :) lol... oh well.

So... yeah, my week rocked. Through all of this my God has been loving and gracious! I was hard-pressed with these trials of mine and didn't quite handle them well, but now realize how simple they were to deal with once I just let God deal with it accordingly. I think that's usually how that always works... :)

Anywho... I am SO excited to be leaving on Tuesday!!  Bags are packed and I am ready to go! Cannot wait to see everyone and get some much needed hugs from my 2nd family in Africa :)

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