Friday, December 31, 2010


WOW! I can't believe 2010 is almost over. This year has been so wonderful! I am so blessed and SOO thankful for all that God has done in my life and the lives of those closest to me.

This year has been lifechanging! I will NEVER forget it. Looking back I realized how much I was doing for me and how much I wasn't doing for God. That was until God changed EVERYTHING! Africa 2010 will always be the highlight of my year, and probably my life. Eventhough I know in my heart I will go back, that one trip, the one that I was the least prepared for will be forever closest to my heart. Everything that I am becoming and will eventually be is based off of spending 6 weeks of my life in Niger. God knew it would, but i'm still in awe everytime I think about it!

But now it's time for 2011 to begin, and I am SO stoked! God is going to do some amazing things this year too! I'll be attending a new school in a new town, ya know, entering adulthood! :) can't wait! I also will be praying if and when God would have me go serve Him again in Niger, or anywhere for that matter! I really feel like He will lead me somewhere and I am excited to see when and where that may be. :)

Well, anyways, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

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