Thursday, January 6, 2011

God chose... me?

"Dear God, I don't know where you're going to lead me today, but if it's where your going, it's where I'm going."

I find myself praying this prayer quite often. I really do want to go wherever God leads me, but, today, He led me somewhere to do something I didn't think I was quite ready to try and do. And, honestly, I became hesitant in His leading and almost flaked out.

Here's the deal. I have been job hunting since arrival in Denton (well, kinda... I've kinda been a slacker too). Anyways, I searched and searched for a nanny job on this CARE website for nannys and houskeepers and such. One of the very first I saw (about a month ago) was an attendant position for a 26 year old lady with cerebral palsy. Well, I just kinda skipped over it and proceeded to look at other things because, honestly, I didn't think I could do it. Not because I wasn't capable of it, but because I am too much of a softy for people who have to live a not so ordinary life. I feel so helpless, like I can't do a thing for them, and it breaks me. Long story short, I applied for about 35 other nanny positions and... got nothing.  Well, on Tuesday I was skimming though some more jobs and the same attendant position for the 26 yr old (Alyssa) popped up. This time, I looked at it, and hesitantly applied. I prayed that if this was something God would want me to do, that He would make it happen. I was leaving it all to Him.

Not an hour later I got a reply from the father saying that they'd like to meet me and talk about the position. So, I scheduled an interview for Thursday. (yesterday) Last night I got in my car and headed to my interview... scared crapless. I had a fight with God the whole way... "I can't do this! God, what if it's hard? What if I were to mess up? What if it's too much? What if...?" And God says "What if you'd just trust me?" Oh, well HELLO! So, I tried.

I walked up to the door and was welcomed by the lovely aroma of dinner, just a cookin. And their cat, Hamlet. :) I strolled into the kitchen and sat down...across the table from me sat a sweet, sweet young woman with a beautiful spirit and lovely smile. Though Alyssa didn't say anything, my heart just melted. Her parents began explaining... ALOT. I took all I could in... basically just inhaled it. One concern I had was the schedule, since I am in school. Alyssa has another attendant, Shelley, who is in school as well. They weren't sure of the days she would have classes, so that was something I was worried wouldn't work.

And then... God.

My classes are on Mondays and Wednesday... and well, they found out that day that Shelley will have her classes on Tuesday and Thursday. HELLO?! Could that be anymore of a God thing? I think not!
Oh, I can't forget to mention... This family has an undeniable passion for the Lord. :) I even got to share a little about my journey to Africa with them. I seem to share it alot. Heck, probably because I love and miss it so much!! Anyways, I cannot wait to work for them. Ya, that's correct... I got the job. :) This is going to be a hard journey, but God is leading it, so I am at ease. I think Alyssa is going to be more of a blessing to me than I will be to her.

I hope you'd join me in prayer as I prepare my heart for this. :)

Love in HIM!

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