Sunday, January 23, 2011

3 Days.

Try to imagine what life would be like living in a chair. How would it feel never being able to walk, or run, or play tag when you were a kid? Or how would it feel having to rely on someone else to do everything for you? Needing someone else for your every day activities like brushing your teeth or combing your hair.... At least we're just imagining this, right? Well, for one girl inparticular she doesn't have to imagine it. Because for her, it's a reality.

This past Tuesday I started my new job as a caretaker for a young woman, Alyssa. What I mentioned above was just a speck of how she lives her life. You see, she has cerebral palsy... which ultimately means that her brain does not allow her body to function like ours generally would.

When I first applied for this job I was beyond nervous. I had no idea what I was getting myself into... basically had no idea what God was signing me up for. It was a huge God-ordained thing where I couldn't even begin to deny that it was something He had in plan for me to do. And I knew it wasn't gonna be easy, but I tried my best to go at it whole-heartedly.

I never once thought I would have to be a "mom" or a "wife" at my age. But, my job requires it. And, not just being a mom to a toddler or teen, but more like to a new born. The only difference really is that Alyssa can talk to me. But unlike a baby that will grow up to walk and do things on their own, Alyssa won't. I have to care for another human being the way that I would care for myself. I didn't think I would be prepared for that, but I guess God did.

Every morning when I walk into work Alyssa greets me with a big "Hello!". :) That's just the start to a great day! She has the biggest heart you could ever imagine and I love being around her bubbly spirit. She is just like us in every way! She eats Icecream every morning for breakfast, loves getting the mail, and watches ELLEN every afternoon after taking a nap. Her favorite color is blue, she loves to go shopping, and loves to email her friends and family. Above all of this, she loves the Lord. She never complains about her "situation", she just loves life. Though she's 26 and weighs about 70 pounds, she's a really strong girl, both inside and out.
My job is to care for her. Everything that I would generally do for myself on a daily basis, I have do it for her as well. I find myself always checking on her to see if she's okay, or asking if she needs anything.  I always tuck her in when I lay her down for a nap and tend to check on her every 15 minutes.  I guess that's just the "mom" instinct.

This job is one of the biggest blessings I have ever gotten! Alyssa has taught me so much already and I've only been there 3 days. Thursday I was sitting on the couch watching ELLEN with Lyss and God showed Himself in a big way. I realized that I needed to be as dependent on Him like how Lyss is dependent on me, and not only do I need to depend on Him like that, but I need to trust Him. Alyssa trusts me to care for her, trusts me to do everything for her and has no doubt or worry that I won't. She knows that I know what she needs. And I need, we all need, to have that kind of trust in the Lord. A trust to where we can say, "God, I know you know what I need, and I trust you to lead me wherever you may take me." Imagine how amazing our relationship with the Lord would be if we depended on Him like that all the time?! I'm don't always trust in Him like that, sometimes I doubt that things are gonna be okay because I don't depend on God like I should. But when I do, man, God does BIG things.


  1. wow! thanks for sharing that. it just blessed my heart. -elisha

  2. That made me cry I know your mom and she posted this on her FB and I am glad she did it gave me an opportunity to stop and appreciate all of my blessings.
