Sunday, February 13, 2011

To the ends of the earth... but why Africa?

About a week ago someone asked me "Why Africa? Why can't you serve here, where you live?" That wasn't the first time I've been asked that question, and I highly doubt it will be the last. I got that question alot last year during my preparation for going to Niger. And honestly, I didn't really have an answer for it. All I knew is that it's where God wanted me to go... but that answer never seemed sufficient enough for anyone who asked, though it never really phased me that it wasn't because I was going for HIM and not for men.

Well, the other day I was listening to a song on my way to work and it suddenly dawned on me why I have served in Niger and why I am returning to serve in Niger yet again. So, for anyone wondering "Why Africa?".... this is why:

Months before Africa ever became an opportunity I found myself praying for those in need, all over the world and that God would stir peoples hearts to go and give. That He would send His children to take His word to the ends of the earth. And I realized after awhile that I was using my own prayers as a defense against having to do anything myself. I guess I had forgotten that as a follower of Christ I'm called to be the hands and feet of Jesus. And had forgotten that God might want to use my hands, and my feet, and my own resources to help those in need and to show God's glory and His love.

After a bit of a change of heart through that, I began to pray that God would use me however He saw fit for bringing glory to the Kingdom. I knew I couldn't do everything, but I refused to do nothing. I refused to continue to sit around and wait for someone else to do the things and go to the places God was calling me to go myself. And then... Africa. I still can't answer why exactly God has sent me to and is sending me back to Niger, and I don't know why He has given me a passion and desire to be there serving Him... but I do know that I will go because I am called to go. So, while I'm in America I will continue to serve Him here, because America is a HUGE mission field, no doubt. But while I'm in Africa, where my heart longs to be, I will serve Him there. And when or if ever He calls me to serve Him there permanently... I will go, immediately.

.... that is "Why Africa?" :)

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